
The Rose * *

The rose of my dreams with hidden hopes.

The rose with spines that have killed my soul along with your departure.

The rose that dies each time you say goodbye

The rose that turns grey each time I cry

The rose that you left me as a signal of oblivion.

The rose that yesterday I through along with my heart to the empty ocean.

The rose that means nothing at all.

The rose that I thought I loved as I Loved You but that it just turned into death dash.

The rose that you through to my grave after knowing that I have died for you.

Follow up * , mY persOnaL reaciOn towardS "You 2.0"

As we started reading the text named "You 2.0" different source of thoughts and conclusions came to my mind as the result of a great variety of subjects and information about ourselves.

In order to begin I would like to mention the paragraph that I prefer the most which is the following one: "You could quit your banking job and open an antiques shop or move to Romania to live with your online love. But what if it doesn't work out? What will everyone say about you then? The fear of public humiliation can keep us safe, if not content. Simply ask, What is the likehood that the thing I fear will come true? And then If it doesn't come true, will it really be as come true? And then "If it does come true, will it really be as bad as I think? Our minds tend to cue the worst-case scenario, what psychologists call awfulizing".
So, after a deep discussion about what did Lubetking wanted to say I concluded that all human beings tend to analyze every single and tiny aspect of a THING, and as "thing" I considered decisions towards our jobs, studies, personal life, and others, just because is human nature. It's true that it partly depends on the personality each of us have but we can't deny that we usually see half of the glass empty and not the full one. In this way, why do we punish our minds and hearts so much before making a step forward in our life? But to include more pressure to the case we also care too much about what the rest of the people will think about us in case we do wrong. In my opinion, it's true that spontaneity it is quite good and effective in many occasions but on the other hand it is important to think twice before making any decision. But at the moment of doing something we should have present not what does everyone going to say or only the negative aspects; we should be able to act as a result of our true and deepest wishes and desires and doing what we think that it's the best having in mind that not always is going to have the best results but that it's like this it's just because it's not what God wanted for us in the end.

Another paragraph I would like to point out is the one that claims the following: "Analyzing risk in the classic Should I stay or should I go? scenario can bring on headaches or even paralysis. Lubetkin recommends that you write down the pros and cons of each situation and then weight them numerically, according to how important they are to you. But then you must also factor in the more subjective "gut" feelings. Flip a coin in order to hypothetically decide your fate, then take note of how you react to the outcome". It's so true that many times we would like to walk away from our problems, hard decisions or the usual and boring routine but on the other hand after thinking the easiest way out we started analyzing the fact to run towards to all those situations mentioned before and started thinking the best solution for each of them. I have to confess that I personally love that song that belongs to an excellent British band called "The Clash".
But I have to disagree with the author's opinion about the different ways to decide between two or more solutions. We tend to think about the advantages and disadvantages as an aspect to make a decision but also another ones as well. On the other hand I don't think that flipping a coin as a way to decide our future is not a great suggestion because we should have present that hard and difficult fate steps must be taken after analyzing the whole context as ONE concrete thing.

To sum up, I think that "You 2.0" is a quite interesting text through which we can learn different aspects of human beings and to learn about them. We have the chance to point out useful tips.But there are suggestions and elements that in my opinion are not that useful and that actually do not help at all in the moment of making hard and important decisions. Of course that is my personal opinion !